March's Big Idea: Do the Right Thing
Throughout the year, as we focus on new soccer moves, we also encourage our students to learn important life skills with our ‘Big Ideas.’ Throughout March, our coaches will use class time to allow children to explore their own individual ideas of “what is right.” This concept is important throughout a child’s soccer growth and for developing empathetic humans.
Why it's Important to Teach Preschoolers to Do the Right Thing
Preschoolers are at a critical stage in their social and emotional development. They are learning how to interact with peers, handle challenges, and make decisions that affect themselves and others. Teaching the importance of making good choices helps reinforce positive behaviors that carry over into daily life.
During our HappyFeet classes, students will learn to act with respect, especially in competitive environments. By giving children the chance to process their emotions before making decisions, we are encouraging children to think before they act. This will build emotional resilience and allow children to do the right thing even in heightened environments.
Our students will learn to react and act with kindness, empathy, and respect, which will help them move forward in their lives.
How We Encourage Doing the Right Thing In Class
Lead by Example
Our coaches try to teach by example. Throughout our classes we want to show our students respect and kindness in every interaction.
Make It Fun
We use our unique curriculum to introduce these concepts in a fun way. Throughout our adventures we might find ourselves in a situation that has multiple options. Our coaches will use these situations to guide the students towards choosing the right response to every situation.
Encourage Individual Choices
Our coaches try to encourage each child to make their own choices and then work together to choose the best solution. We believe it’s important to let children make their own choices. Our coaches will strive to guide and reinforce positive choices in each child.
How To Help
Throughout the month of March, you can join our coaches in starting conversations with your children about making choices that embody kindness, respect, and empathy. Especially in 2025, lets work together to find opportunities to do the right thing for ourselves, our families, and our community.